
English language arts Letters

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Letter "M"
Letter "M" Pengurutan grup
Letter "I" - Group the Words
Letter "I" - Group the Words Pengurutan grup
WHAT'S THE LETTER? Pengurutan grup
Letter L or Letter K ?!
Letter L or Letter K ?! Pengurutan grup
Letter N
Letter N Whack-a-mole (Memukul Tikus Mondok)
Letter "P" - Memory Game
Letter "P" - Memory Game Pasangan yang cocok
alphabet(p2) Pengejaran dalam labirin
 b and h
b and h Benar atau salah
LETTER K Whack-a-mole (Memukul Tikus Mondok)
what ending sound do you hear?
what ending sound do you hear? Membuka kotak
Letter O - Guessing Game!
Letter O - Guessing Game! Kuis gambar
Letter O - Find the Pairs
Letter O - Find the Pairs Pasangan yang cocok
Letter P - Sorting in Groups
Letter P - Sorting in Groups Pengurutan grup
Letters Aa - Ee/Words
Letters Aa - Ee/Words Permainan Pencocokan
Letter P
Letter P Whack-a-mole (Memukul Tikus Mondok)
Letter F or T
Letter F or T Kartu acak
letter j or i
letter j or i Benar atau salah
Final Blends Balloon Pop
Final Blends Balloon Pop Pecah Balon
ff, ll, ss best friends at the end balloon pop
ff, ll, ss best friends at the end balloon pop Pecah Balon
Put these words in order to make a sentence.
Put these words in order to make a sentence. Benarkan Kalimat
Letter S Words
Letter S Words Whack-a-mole (Memukul Tikus Mondok)
Arabic Alphabet Saad- Yaa
Arabic Alphabet Saad- Yaa Menemukan kecocokan
Letters Kuis
Syllables Pesawat Terbang
Arabic Alphabet Alif - Sheen
Arabic Alphabet Alif - Sheen Menemukan kecocokan
 Letter P words
Letter P words Whack-a-mole (Memukul Tikus Mondok)
Tap the A
Tap the A Whack-a-mole (Memukul Tikus Mondok)
Drawing Conclusions 3
Drawing Conclusions 3 Kartu acak
Sequencing - Steps to Wash Dishes
Sequencing - Steps to Wash Dishes Urutan peringkat
Text Features
Text Features Pengejaran dalam labirin
Drawing Conclusion 1
Drawing Conclusion 1 Kuis gameshow
Vowel Men
Vowel Men Pengurutan grup
Match Upper Case Letters Only
Match Upper Case Letters Only Kuis gameshow
Character and Setting 2
Character and Setting 2 Pengurutan grup
Let's Go to the Moon Sight Word Practice
Let's Go to the Moon Sight Word Practice Lengkapi kalimatnya
Common and Proper Nouns
Common and Proper Nouns Pengurutan grup
Sequence of Events Practice
Sequence of Events Practice Permainan Pencocokan
Glued Sounds Review
Glued Sounds Review Kuis gameshow
First letter of Student Name
First letter of Student Name Membuka kotak
LETTER N Permainan Pencocokan
LETTER "L'' Whack-a-mole (Memukul Tikus Mondok)
Letter M
Letter M Whack-a-mole (Memukul Tikus Mondok)
Drawing Conclusions 2
Drawing Conclusions 2 Roda acak
Final Blends Word Sort
Final Blends Word Sort Pengurutan grup
Starts With R
Starts With R Roda acak
Mem Vs. Tet
Mem Vs. Tet Pengurutan grup
Hey Vs. Chet
Hey Vs. Chet Pengurutan grup
Letter M Words
Letter M Words Whack-a-mole (Memukul Tikus Mondok)
Daled Vs. Resh
Daled Vs. Resh Pengurutan grup
Final Mem Vs. Samech
Final Mem Vs. Samech Pengurutan grup
Zayin Vs. Vav
Zayin Vs. Vav Pengurutan grup
Sin Vs. Shin
Sin Vs. Shin Pengurutan grup
Dr. Seuss Assessment
Dr. Seuss Assessment Kuis
Letters Kartu acak
Letters Menemukan kecocokan
Letters Roda acak
Letters Roda acak
Vowel men Balloon Pop
Vowel men Balloon Pop Pecah Balon
Letters Kk - Oo/words
Letters Kk - Oo/words Permainan Pencocokan
Letters! Permainan Pencocokan
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