Phonemic awareness phonology
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1.683 hasil untuk 'phonemic awareness phonology'
Phonemic Awareness
Membuka kotak
Phonemic Awareness
Membuka kotak
Phonemic Awareness
Roda acak
Phonemic Awareness
Kuis gameshow
Sound Discrimination (quiz lip and tongue sounds ALL)
Pengurutan grup
FIS Lesson 4 Memory Game
Pasangan yang cocok
Rhyme Production
Kartu acak
Short-i and Short-e Sorting
Pengurutan grup
/Sh/ or /Ch/
Pengurutan grup
Match the Beginning Sound
Menemukan kecocokan
Beginning Sound Match
Permainan Pencocokan
FIS 10 - Match First Sounds
Menemukan kecocokan
FIS 10 Changing sounds - first sound - "What do I get if I..."
Menemukan kecocokan
Compound Word Match
Menemukan kecocokan
Rhyming/Phonemic Awareness
Kartu acak
SD - /ch,/sh/, /j/
Pengurutan grup
Phoneme Deletion.
Decoding CVC
Membuka kotak
FIS up to lesson 12
How Many Sounds?
3.6 FIS Vibrating Sounds
Whack-a-mole (Memukul Tikus Mondok)
Decoding CCVC words
Membuka kotak
Spring Phonemic Awareness
Roda acak
Syllable Count
Membuka kotak
Rhyming Pairs - Short a words
Pasangan yang cocok
Short-A or Short-E?
Permainan Pencocokan
Open/Closed Vowel Words Divided by Syllable
Kartu acak
Short A Phonemic Awareness
Menemukan kecocokan
Short-i or Short-e?
Pengurutan grup
Rhyming- Phonemic Awareness 1
Pengurutan grup
Phonemic awareness
Membuka kotak
Rhyme Time Maze Chase
Pengejaran dalam labirin
Beginning LiPS Balloon Pop
Pecah Balon
LiPS Brothers Assembly
Pengurutan grup
What is the Vowel Sound?
Kuis gameshow
3 Syllable Words Separated
Roda acak
Middle Sounds
Vowel Sound Maze
Pengejaran dalam labirin
LiPS Brother Sounds
Kuis gameshow
Beginning Sound Maze
Pengejaran dalam labirin
Long and Short Vowels Phonemic Awareness
Pengurutan grup
Beginning Sounds - Poppers, Tappers, Scrapers
Pasangan yang cocok
Which Vowel??
Kuis gameshow
Short-I or Short-E?
Pengurutan grup
Beginning and Ending Sounds
Kuis gameshow
1-7 OG SDS Lesson - Beginning (Initial) L Blends Sort
Permainan Pencocokan
Rhyme Time
Pasangan yang cocok
Ending Sounds
Membuka kotak
3.1< 3.2 First to 3 BOOMs loses
Kartu acak
Phoneme addition
Menemukan kecocokan
FIS Lesson 3 Memory Game
Pasangan yang cocok