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646 hasil untuk 'pronunciation'
Place phonetic crossword
Teka Teki Silang
-ed pronunciation
Whack-a-mole (Memukul Tikus Mondok)
Past Simple Regular - Pronunciation
Pengurutan grup
Past tense: "-ed" pronunciation
Pengurutan grup
How to say the 's' sound
Pengurutan grup
-ed Endings Pronunciation wheel
Roda acak
Permainan Pencocokan
Past Simple Regular Verbs - Pronunciation
Pengurutan grup
1.Pronunciation l-r sentences
Kartu acak
Pronunciation /s/ - /z/ in sentences
Kartu acak
Pronunciation sentences
Kartu acak
/thr/ pronunciation of words in sentences
Kartu acak
Kartu acak
CCLC add a syllable? -ed past tense
Pengurutan grup
-ed Endings Pronunciation
Pengurutan grup
Past Tense Pronunciation
Pengurutan grup
Digraph 4: "th"
Pengurutan grup
French Alphabet [with approximate English pronunciation]
Permainan Pencocokan
Syllable Stress
Pengurutan grup
/f/, /v/, /b/ pronunciation in single words
Kartu acak
Pronunciation: "S"
Pengurutan grup
-ed Endings Pronunciation wheel
Roda acak
Pronunciation of -ed Verbs
Kuis gameshow
Past Tense Pronunciation
Pengurutan grup
Pronunciation l-r
Roda acak
Pronunciation of TH
Membuka kotak
Past Tense Pronunciation
Roda acak
Talent/Skill Vocab Pronunciation
Pengurutan grup
Movies Vocab Pronunciation
Pengurutan grup
Roda acak
Alphabet Pronunciation Random Wheel
Roda acak
pronunciation of t/th
Roda acak
/spr/ pronunciation words in sentences
Kartu acak
Regular Verbs -ed Endings Pronunciation
Pengurutan grup
Pronunciation of the -ed ending
Pengurutan grup
Word Sort 1: Plural -s Pronunciation
Pengurutan grup
Pronunciation Regular Past Tense - Syllables I
Pengurutan grup
Pronunciation the sound /dz/
Kartu acak
Pronunciation "create" Word Family
Kartu acak
Roda acak
Pronunciation "th" as in "they"
Kartu acak
Pronunciation "aw" "au"
Kartu acak
Intonation practice (match the question to the answer)
Permainan Pencocokan
Holidays crossword (IPA, BrE)
Teka Teki Silang
Practice Club 41 Digraph CH Pronunciation
Pengurutan grup
Choose the correct verb!
Lengkapi kalimatnya
Phonetic animal wordsearch
Mencari Kata
Long O, Short O
Pengurutan grup
WORDSEARCH: au, aw, al, augh, ough
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