Stratum Corneum - Horny layer of the epidermis where the cells are continually shed via desquamation, Stratum Lucidum - Clear layer of the epidermis, found on the palms of hands and soles of the feet., Stratum Granulosum - Granular layer of the epidermis where keratinisation occurs., Stratum Spinosum - Prickle cell layer of the epidermis that contains langerhan cells which help to protect the skin., Stratum germinativum - Basal layer of the epidermis where mitosis occurs and melanin cells are found., Dermis - This layer of the skin contains the appendages of the skin like sweat glands and hairs. , Subcutaneous layer - This layer of the skin contains adipose tissue which helps to provide insulation and an energy source.,

Skin Layers


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