invention - something newly designed or created, keyboard - the part of the computer with numbers and letters that you use to write with, password - secret word you key in to get onto the site, broadband - it is a connection allows you to use the Internet, search engine - it allows you to find information quickly on the Internet, e.g. Google, social networking - Many people keep in touch through its sites like Facebook or Twitter, to click on - to press icon with your mouse to open that document or link., to hang up - to end a phone call, scroll down - to move computer screen to see the whole page., to discover - to find information, a place, or an object, especially for the first time, to follow someone - to look at all the latest news about someone, to log on - to open website and use it, go online - to look at websites and find information, attach a file - to join a file such as a document, picture, or computer program, to an email,
Focus 2 Unit 2
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