Anemia - Low hemoglobin levels , Aorta - The main artery of the systemic circulation , Artery - Thick walled blood vessel carries blood away from the heart, Atrium - The upper chamber of the heart, Blood - Fluid or tissue in which materials are transported from one cell to another, Blood Pressure - Amount of pressure exerted on the artery wall due to the contraction in the left ventricle, Capillary - Smallest blood vessel, single celled wall, Cardiac Muscle - Involuntary muscle found only in the heart, Erythema - Reddening of the skin due to vasodilation, Haemophillia - An hereditary condition which prevents the blood clotting properly, Heart - Hollow organ, composed of cardiac muscle responsible for blood circulation around the body , Antibody - The specific protein produced to suppress or destroy antigens , Allergic Reaction - The body becomes hypersensitive to a particular allergen and the body produces histamine , Axillary - Underarm Region , Popliteal - Lymph node at the back of the knee, Deep vein thrombosis - A blood clot in a vein , Hypertension - Also known as high blood pressure, Hypotension - Also known as low blood pressure, Stroke - When the blood supply to part of the brain is cut off, Spleen - Acts as a filter for the blood, Lymphatic Node - A small bean-shaped structure that is part of the body's immune system., Varicose veins - Caused by increased blood pressure in the vein, Phlebitis - Means inflammation of a vein , Lymphatic Vessel - A thin tube which carries lymph and white blood cells through the lymphatic system , Aids - Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome,
Key Words Open the box activity - Lymphatic & Cardiovascular System
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