documentary - a film, television or radio programme that gives facts and information about a subject, comedy - this film is full of jokes, horror film - a film in which very frightening or unnatural things happen, for example dead people coming to life and people being murdered, romantic comedy - a film or television programme about love. it can make you laugh, thriller - a book or a film with an exciting story, often about crime, sci-fi film - stories about life in the future or in other parts of the universe, game show - a programme on television in which people play games to try to win prizes, reality show - a television programme about ordinary people who are filmed in real situations, rather than actors, news - information about important events on television, radio, and in newspapers, chat show - a television or radio programme where people are asked questions about themselves, soap (opera) - a series of television or radio programmes that continues over a long period and is about the lives of a group of characters, sitcom - a funny television programme that is about the same group of people every week in different situations, talent show - a television programme in which people sing, dance, or do other acts and judges decide who is the best,
think 2. unit 3. films and TV programmes
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