stanza - a paragraph in poetry, rhyme - words that sound the same (endings match), mood - the feeling words give you, symbol - an image or thing that means something else, tone - the words an author uses to create a certain mood, rhythm - the pattern of beats or stresses of syllables in a poem, long and short patterns, simile - comparison of two things, using "like" or "as", metaphor - comparison of two things NOT using "like" or "as", personification - giving human characteristics to non-human things, imagery - descriptive words that help the reader picture what is happening, alliteration - using many words in a sentence beginning with the same letter or sound, hyperbole - exaggerated language, onomatopoeia - sounds that make words, repetition - repeating the same words or phrases, metaphor ex. - She is a busy bee., simile ex. - He was as fast as a cheetah., personification ex. - The wind was singing a song last night., onomatopoeia ex. - The books CRASHED to the floor., hyperbole ex. - This is so boring, I think I will die., alliteration ex. - Sally sold seashells by the shore.,
Poetry Terms
7th Grade
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