The chart ____ the total value of Australia's trade with five different trading partners, from 2012 to 2014.In all three years, trade with China ____ trade with any of the other countries. In fact in both 2013 and 2014 its value was more than double that of the second biggest trading partner, Japan, and many times greater than that of the smallest trading partner, Vietnam. Another ____ of the data is that the ranking of the five countries in terms of trade value ____ the same in all three years: China, ____ by Japan, Korea, Thailand and Vietnam. ____ the three-year period, trade with China, Korea and Vietnam rose year on year. Trade with Japan fell ____ in the same period, to about $70,000 million, and trade with Thailand first rose to around $20,000 million, then ____ slightly to around $19,000 million. The ____ changes related to trade with China: trade value was ____ A$125,000 million in 2012, A$151,000 in 2013, and A$152,000 in 2014.
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