Militarism: German sets out to create the largest navy in the world, Russia moves 1 million troops to the border of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, a policy of building up strong military forces and weaponry to prepare for war, Nationalism: pride in or devotion to one’s country, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations, Serbs were outraged in October 1908 when Austria-Hungary fully annexed Bosnia, because many Serbians lived in Bosnia, the devotion to a national or ethnic identity, including the desire for independence from foreign rule, Imperialism: a policy of extending a country's power and influence over another country or territory through diplomacy or military force, European countries had been establishing colonies or taking over other countries and territories, mainly in search of natural resources, Austria-Hungary annexes (takes over) Bosnia in 1908, Alliances: agreements between nations to aid and protect one another, The Triple Entente, Central Powers, Secret treaties, Assassination: Serbian terrorists shoot the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary, the act of deliberately killing a prominent or important person, such as heads of state,
Causes of World War I - M.A.N.I.A
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