Inventions-List them: Barbed wire, Steel plow, Windmills, Adaptations-List them: Dry farming, Sod houses (soddies), Beef cattle raising, Wheat farming, What did the inventions do?-List their uses: allowed farmers to keep cattle from nearby ranches off their fields and away from their crops, farmers could break up their tough soil., pump water from the ground and to provide power, What did the adaptations do?-List their advantages: Farmers learned they could grow crops on the dry soil if they plowed deeply, breaking up the tough sod with the new steel plows., Lacking trees and other materials, settlers on the Great Plains built their homes from sod, a sort of packed dirt held together by grass, roots and cut into squares., Demand for beef was high, and as railroads developed, ranchers would drive their cattle north to meet up with the lines, Farmers adopted an improved strain of Russian wheat which required less water and grew well in the dryer soil of the Great Plains.,
Westward Expansion Factors, Inventions, & Adaptations
7th Grade
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