grimace - to make an ugly expression with your face to show pain, dislike, etc., enliven - to make something more interesting or more fun, misunderstood - having qualities that people do not see or fully understand, courageous - showing courage, brave, exuberance - the quality of being full of energy, excitement and happiness, grin - to smile widely, angst - a feeling of great worry about a situation, or about your life, quirk - an aspect of somebody’s personality or behaviour that is a little strange, peculiarity, engaged - (formal) busy doing something; involved with somebody/something in an active and interested way, eager - very interested and excited by something that is going to happen or about something that you want to do; showing this, eager - Robert was ___ to talk about life in the Army., engaged - The company is ___ in the eternal search for a product that will lead the market., quirk - He had a strange ___ of addressing his wife as Mrs Smith, angst - Few events arouse more teenage ___ than the springtime arrival of college rejection letters., grin - Carl had a wicked ___ on his face as he crept up behind Ellen., exuberance - He has to learn to curb his natural ___ ., courageous - A ___ foe is better than a cowardly friend., enliven - Humour can help ___ a dull subject., misunderstood - There was once a moment,we ___ it was a lifetime., grimace - Thomas made a little ___, perhaps he thought the wine was sour.,
Complete Advanced - Unit 6 - Reading and Use of English ex 1 - Vocabulary page 64
Complete Advanced
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