Judith was adventurous., Judith was imaginative., Judith was eager to learn about the world around her., Judith was never sent to school., Judith read her brother’s books when she had the chance., Judith was expected to mend clothes., Judith was expected to help with the cooking., Judith’s parents arranged for her to marry the son of a neighbour., Judith was beaten by her father when she protested about the arranged marriage., Judith’s father pleaded with her not to bring shame on him., Judith’s father tried to bribe her into obeying him with presents., Judith packed a small parcel of her possessions., Judith escaped from her bedroom one night., Judith set off for London., Judith approached a theatre, looking for work as an actor., Judith was told that, as a girl, she would not be able to train as an actor., Judith was lured into a relationship with a man whom she thought would help her career., Judith discovered that she was expecting a baby., Judith was buried in an unmarked grave in London..

Judith Shakespeare

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