How old are you?, What's your date of birth?, Which school do you go to?, How many brothers and sisters do you have?, What’s your nationality?, What time do you go to school each day?, What is the first thing you do when you get to school?, How many lessons do you have each day?, What time do you finish school?, How many people are there in your family?, Who is the oldest person in your family?, Where do the people in your family live?, When will you next see your family?, What hobbies do you enjoy doing in your spare time?, Where do you do your favourite activities?, How often do you do your favourite hobby?, What hobbies do other people in your family enjoy?, What subjects do you study at school?, When did you start learning English?, Which foreign languages are your studying at your school?, How often do you have maths lessons?, Tell me something about how your family spend time together., Tell me something about your favourite subject at school., Tell me something about your favourite time of the year., Tell me something about what you did last weekend., Tell me something about how you travelled to school yesterday..
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