a lake - a large inland body of water, looks like a circle on the land, you can swim in it in the summer. For example, the Baikal, a river - long, narrow body of water. For example, the Volga, a mountain - a tall area of land that is much higher than the surroundings. For example, Everest or The Caucasus., a beach - an area of sand or small stones near the sea or the lake. , a field - an area of grass, for example in the park or on a farm. Cows can walk in it and eat grass., a forest - It's a large area where trees grow close together. There are bears, foxes, wolves and birds. , a rainforest - It's a forest in the tropical area. There are a lot of rains there. There are monkeys, tigers, snakes, cheetahs , a waterfall - It's a water from a river dropping from a higher to a lower point., a sea - The salty water that covers about three-quarters of the Earth's surface. There are fish, octopuses, starfish, dolphins, crabs and whales in it. For example, the Black Sea., a desert - A dry area of land with few plants and little water. It is very hot and sunny there., an island - It's a land in an ocean, surrounded by water. It looks like a circle. , A valley - It's an area of low land between hills or mountains, often with a river running through it, a leaf - A tree has got a lot of them. It's an organ of a plant., a plant - It grows in the garden. It has got a flower, leaves, steam and root, a grass - It's a low green plant that grows in the field. Cows, horses and goats eat it. ,
Landscapes Kid's Box 3
Kids Box 3
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