____Wings: Camoflage ____, venom in their ____, and a prehensile ____. RainWings like to have ____ as pets and are very laid back.Queen: ____ ____Wings: ____breath, serrated ____, multiple spiky ____, whip-thin ____, and are immune to ____. Cold to the touch and can be grumpy.Queen: ____ ____Wings: Read ____, Foretell the ____, and ____breath. Mysterious and like to read books and scrolls. Queen: ____ ____Wings: Strength and ____breath. Very hungryQueen: ____ ____Wings: Poison barbed ____ and ____breath. ____ eyes.Queen: ____, who used to be the ____ of the ____ ____Wings: ____ in the dark ____ and can ____ underwater. Have many ____.Queen: ____ ____Wings: Large ____ and firebreath. Some have super-hot ____.Queen: ____, Who used to be ____ ____Wings: ____ that can detect ____ and silk that can come out of ____. Some SilkWings can have ____.Queen: ____ ____Wings: ____ powers including wrist ____. Live in ____ with the SilkWings.Queen: ____ ____Wings: Expert ____ and can talk to ____ by using ____.Queen: ____

The Dragons of DragonLand


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