get through - be connected on the phone, get cut off - experiences a break in the connection, put through - transfer the call to the person he wants to speak to, go on - happen , take up - start, call back - call the same number again, run out of - if something runs out, you do not have any more of it left, plug in - connect it to the power supply, charge up - put energy in the battery of, carry on - continue, put the phone down - end the phone call, switch on - make it start working, switch off - makes it stop working, take on - to begin to have, use, or do something, cheat on - having a secret romantic relationship, find out - to discover a fact or piece of information, break up with - end the relationship with, hang out with - spend time with, get on well with - to have a friendly relationship with somebody, bump into - to meet someone unexpectedly, mess around with - spend time doing unimportant things with, sort out - resolve the problem with a good result, make up - invent what to say, split up - end the relationship , get over - recover, cheer up - improve somebody's mood,
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