1) The ________ is the center of our solar system. a) Earth b) Sun c) Mars d) Pluto 2) Compared to other stars, our sun is a __________ sized star. a) large b) medium c) smal 3) The sun is mostly made of _________ and __________. a) hydrogen and oxygen b) air c) light d) hydrogen and helium 4) Which TWO types of energy do we get directly from the sun? (Check 2 boxes) a) heat b) sound c) mechanical d) light e) eletrical 5) _____________ look like dark spots on the sun. These are cool patches. a) holes b) sunspots c) circles d) freckles 6) Heat from the sun keeps the ___________________ going. a) rotation of the planets b) water cycle 7) The core is the _______ of the sun. a) outer layer b) center c) layer closest to the core d) dark spot 8) The 4 inner planets are ________. a) spheres of rock b) balls of gas 9) The 4 outer planets are _____________. a) spheres of rock b) balls of gas 10) The inner and outer planets are separated by the ____________. a) sun b) asteroid belt c) rings d) comet trail 11) The 4 inner planets (in order) are _______. a) Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars b) Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune c) Mercury, Earth, Venus, Mars d) Mars, Earth, Venus, Mercury 12) Choose the statement that is TRUE. a) ROTATION means to spin on an axis; REVOLUTION means to orbit or revolve around. b) REVOLUTION means to spin on an axis; ROTATION means to orbit or revolve around. 13) The 4 outer planets (in order) are _________. a) Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars b) Jupiter, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn c) Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune d) Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter 14) Which THREE things describe the Earth? (Check 3 boxes) a) center of the solar system b) a planet c) a star d) third planet from the sun e) provides a home to plants and animals f) affects the ocean tides 15) The moon has an atmosphere. a) True b) False 16) The moon is a natural _____________. a) planet b) asteroid c) satellite 17) It takes Venus __________ Earth days to rotate one time on its axis. a) 324 b) 243 c) 432 18) Jupiter has ______ moons. a) 52 b) 76 c) 67 d) 16 19) Neptune was named for the Roman god of the ________. a) sea b) water c) sky d) blueberries 20) _______ is the only planet to support life. a) Jupiter b) Venus c) Saturn d) Earth
Solar System Practice Test
3rd Grade
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