From What did Allah create the Angels? - Heavenly light, Do the Angels need to eat, drink, have families, and have children? - False, Do Angels have wings, and no one exactly knows what they look like? - True, What is the name of the Angels who bring the books to the Messengers? - Jibril, What is responsible for Angel Jibril? - To bring the books to the messengers, What is the name of the Angel who take the people soul? - Izrail, What did Angel Izrail do? - Take the people soul, What is the name of the Angel who blow the Sur? - Israfil, What is the job for Angel Israfil? - To blow the Sur before the Day of Judgment, What is the name of the Angel who arrange the rainfall? - Mikail, What is the job for Angel Mikail? - To arrange the rainfall, What is the name of the Angels who ask the questions in the grave? - Munkir and Nakir, What is the job for Munkir and Nakir? - To aske the questions in the grave, What are the names of the Angels who write our deeds? - Kiraman Katibin, What is the job for Kiraman Katibin? - To write good and bad deeds,

The Angels


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