Cause and Effect: Text that tells what happened and why it happened, Clue words: causes, because, since, as a result, if/then, due to, therefore, reason, , There was a hole in the boat so it filled with water., "How Tornadoes are Formed and the Effects They Have on the Earth", Since it is windy, we can fly kites., Because my dad forgot to put gas in the car, it stopped running., Problem/Solution: Text that tells a problem and how to solve it, Clue words: solve, issue, problem, fix, resolve, figure out, , It was a big issue when I broke my friends toy, but I figured out how to fix it., I spilled my milk. I had to use paper towels to clean it up., My dog ran outside. I gave him a treat to come back in., I forgot my library book in the car. I can solve it by bringing it tomorrow.,
Problem Solution vs Cause and Effect Text Structure?
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
6th Grade
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