PASSIVE ANALYSIS - Analyze something without interfering or affecting it., Confidentiality - Keeping sensitive information out of unwanted hands., Integrity - Preserving the accuracy of information and validating its source., Availability - Ensuring that information resources and services are accessible in a timely manner., NETWORK TOPOLOGY - The arrangement of the various elements (computers, routers, switches, etc) of a network., PROTOCOL - An agreed-upon method for communication., HOST - A computer, typically one on a network. Can also be referred to as a machine or a system., URL - The acronym for “Uniform Resource Locator”. The systematic way to find specific web addresses and web pages. A URL is composed of characters that contain information about where to locate a resource over the internet., ROUTER - A network device that controls and filters data between networks, either wired or wireless. It is a specific type of "gateway", a device that acts as a gate between two networks., WEB SERVER - A computer that delivers files forming web pages across a network to requesting clients., SERVICE - Can be a specific application or function such as email, chat, etc., PORT - A way for a computer to identify specific programs and manage their activity. In an IP addresses, the port appears after a colon at the end of the address such as :21, :80, and :443., INFORMATION ARCHITECTURE - The way an organization structures and organizes the information that is required by their employees and/or customers., IP ADDRESS - Is a unique address that identifies a device on the internet or a local network. IP stands for "Internet Protocol," which is the set of rules governing the format of data sent via the internet or local network.,
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