DRAG - force which slows the movement of an object through a liquid or gas, AIR RESISTANCE - force that tends to slow the movement of an object through a gas, BOUYANCY - the upwards force exerted by any fluid on a mass placed upon it, FRICTION - force between 2 surfaces when they are sliding, or trying to slide, over one another, GRAVITY - The force that pulls all mass down towards the centre of the planet, NORMAL - the force that supports you when you are sitting or standing on anything, TENSION - a force that happens when an object is pulled tight by forces acting on opposite ends, THRUST - The engine force! This force is the one that most often makes objects move, NEWTON - Units a force is measured in, BALANCED - if forces are opposite in direction and equal in size they are..., STATIONARY - When all forces are balanced and the object is not moving, ACCELERATING - When thrust force is increased and is larger than drag it..., DECELERATING - When forces are applied to slow an object down it is..., EQUILIBRIUM - When forces are perfectly balanced they are at..., WEIGHT - The force on a mass because of gravity, MAGNETISM - Iron, nickel and cobalt can all be examples of..., MASS - A measure of the amount of matter in an object, PIVOT - The point a lever will rotate about, MOMENT - Turning effect of a force, WORK - This is done when a force causes an object to move,
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