uso...para - I use...for..., ver mis series favoritas - to watch my favourite tv series, organizar salidas - to organise to out, chatear - to chat, contactar con mi familia - to get in touch with family, una aplicación - an app, descargar música - to download music, subir fotos - to upload photos, hacer compras en linea - to do online shopping, editar fotos - to edit photos, subir y ver videos - to upload and watch videos, las redes sociales - social network, práctico - practical, rápido - fast, el wifi - wifi, útil - useful, gratis - free, una pérdida de tiempo - a waste of time, carísimo - very expensive, te engancha - it gets you hooked, es adictivo - it's addictive, estoy enganchado - I'm hooked, popular - popular, fácil de usar - easy to use, mejorar los idiomas - to improve your language,

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