do up - to repair, paint, and improve an old building, car, boat etc, fix - to repair something, maintain - to make regular repairs to a building, road, vehicle etc so that it stays in good condition, mend - to repair a tear or hole in a piece of clothing, mend BRITISH - to repair something that is broken or damaged so that it can be used again, patch - to cover a hole in clothes by sewing a patch over it, patch up - to repair something, often quickly and not very well, stitch up - to repair a piece of cloth that has been torn by sewing it, recondition - to repair a machine, usually so that it can be sold again, renovate - to make something old look new again by repairing and improving it, especially a building, restore - to clean and repair something old and dirty or damaged so that it looks the same as it did originally, retouch - to make slight changes to something such as a photograph, a picture, or your make-up in order to improve or repair it, service - to examine and repair a vehicle or machine as part of a regular check that it is working correctly, sew - to make or repair clothes using a needle and thread,

Outcomes B2 Unit 3 Fixing things

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