1) You wake up in a strange village,theres people surrounding you with spears,What will you do? a) Kill Them with your pocket knife b) Cry c) Pretend to suicide d) Grab the rope and cut it off e) Get off the place f) Barf 2) They get out of the place thinking you died, it worked! a) Dance b) Dab c) Snooze d) Spit on the rope,and cut it off. e) Eat shit f) Say "F*CKERS!" 3) After you cut the rope off, You find a stone dagger..Its all bloody... a) Grab it b) Glue it c) Use it as defense d) Grab it,then stomp on it. e) Snooze f) Laugh 4) You grab it,The blood falls on your hand,They hear the blood dripping,What will you do? a) Attack b) Use c) Item d) Fart e) Barf f) Suicid3 5) You killed them,But theres more incoming,but you found a glock 17 with a mag with it,its.. LOADED! a) Grab b) Snooze c) Ignore it 6) Theyre ready to attack. a) Shoot them up. b) F*ck em. 7) You shoot them,But theres 40 more,But luckily you have another mag. a) Reload and shoot b) Snooze 8) You did it! You found a pickaxe and a cave,Somebody was screaming there.. a) Help b) Snooze c) Nah,F*ck them. 9) They died,But they dropped a diamond sword. a) Grab it ( 50+ EXP ) b) Snooze c) Fart d) Kick the body 10) ( 50 + EXP! ) A monster tries to kill you! a) Fight b) Mercy c) Act Sad 11) You killed them! ( 60 + Gold) Thats the end of the Adventure,But theres somebody requesting you 50 EXP a) No problem! b) ok c) dumb 12) They try to kill you! a) Stab b) Talk c) Mercy 13) They gave you 10 of their coca-cola cans,Drink one now,Since you feel thirsty! a) Drink it b) Snooze it 14) A wild slime appears a) Fight b) Ignore c) Accept 15) You killed him! a) Snooze b) Yay! c) Yahoo! 16) Thats the end! a) Snooze b) Snooze Alarm 17) A wild slime Appears! a) Attack b) Mercy c) Snooze 18) "This is a robbery." a) Snooze and kill them b) Give all EXP
BloodsVille Full Release⁅TEST PLACE⁆
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