True: The North wanted to restrict or ban slavery, Missouri enters the Union as a slave State, Missouri line is 36° 30', Compromise of 1850 - New Mexico - no restrictions on slavery, The Kansas Nebraska Act used Popular Sovereignty to decide if slavery was allowed, The Supreme Court decided Dred Scott was a slave, not a citizen, and had no right to sue, Douglas: Believed slavery should be decided by popular sovereignty., Abolitionist John Brown led 18 men on a raid in Harper’s Ferry, Virginia., The first shots of the Civil War were fired at Ft. Sumter on April 12, 1861., False: The South wanted to restrict or ban slavery, Maine enters as a slave state, The Free Soil Party focused on the spread of slavery in western lands., Compromise of 1850 - relaxed the fugitive slave laws, "Bleeding Kansas" is a reaction towards The Great Awakening, Republicans felt that government should not ban slavery in new territories., Lincoln believed that slavery was fine., Jefferson Davis was elected president of the Union in 1860,
Causes of the Civil War
8th Grade
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