Theme: Don't be jealous of what others have, Never give up on something that is important to you., It's okay to be different and stand out., Friends are like family, No matter the circumstances, a true friend will always be there for you. , Differences can bring us together., Be thankful for what you have., Look for the good in all situations, even if they don't turn out the way we planned., Use your imagination when solving a task or problem., If at first you don't succeed, try again., Main Idea: It was a rainy day and mom had to get creative so the kids wouldn't get too bored., Kayla spent hours on her project and got 100%, My sister and I went to the mall and ran into Charli D'Amelio!, The Jackson family are planning a trip to France, but the Eiffel Tower is under construction. , Even though Tim was afraid of heights, he still went to the top of the ropes course., Jack and Jill were opposites but they were both excellent kids., Jake was in a wheelchair but he still made the team!, Amanda always wanted everything Skylar had., No matter what, Ben and Harry were always there for each other., A jazz pianist has a near-death experience and gets stuck in the afterlife.,
Theme vs Main Idea
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