Similes: It's been a hard day's night, and I've been working like a dog., You change your mind like a girl changes clothes., It seems to me you lived your life like a candle in the wind., We used to be like twins so in sync., Your love is like a roller coaster., So rock me mama like a wagon wheel. Rock me mama any way you feel., Metaphors: Baby, you're a firework., I never miss a beat, I'm lightning on my feet, You ain't nothing but a hound dog., Well, holy moly me oh my. You're the apple of my eye., We got no troubles; life is the bubbles under the sea., Watch out boy, she'll chew you up? Whoa here she comes. She's a man eater!she comes. She's a man-eater!, Life is a highway. I wanna ride it all night long., I'm stuck in the dark, but you're my flashlight. You're gettin' me through the night.,
Similes & Metaphors in Songs
6th Grade
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