congratulate - "So happy to see you accomplishing great things.”, threaten - "If you don't come to the party with me I won't longer be your friend", invite - "Would you like to come to the movies with us?", complain - "This is not what I ordered!", suggest - "Why don't we watch a movie tonight?", promise - "Finish your lunch and I'll give you ice-cream for dessert", advise - "You should tell her exactly how you feel", refuse - "I am not going with you to dinner. I am not happy with you right now.", encourage - give support, confidence, or hope to, recommend - "I think you would like the film. The special effects are amazing", insist - "Please please please come to the festival with me!", convince - induce (someone) to do something through reasoning or argument., offer - "Would you like some tea?", remind - "Remember to turn off the light when you finish in the kitchen", agree - "Absolutely. I think you're right", deny - "I did not say that. Fake news!!!", warn - "Before you say yes to the job you should know that it requires long hours and they don't pay over time." ,

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