Ages 4-6 (Early Years): They need lots of repetition., They haven’t fully developed their motor skills., They are sometimes competitive., They like listening to stories., They love puppets., They love physical activities., The have trouble controlling their emotions, Ages 6-10 (Primary): They need lots of varied activities., They are extremely competitive., The lower age range like puppets., They also love physical activities., They like giving their opinions., Those at the bottom of the age range have trouble controlling their emotions, Prefer working with partners from the same sex, Ages 11-13 (Lower Secondary): They also need lots of varied activities., They have a greater control of their body., They can be very competitive depending on the group, They're good at project work, They like working with friends, They can understand cause and effect., Sometimes prefer to remain silent, Sometimes prefer working with partners from the same sex, Ages 13 - 17 (Upper Secondary): They see the importance of language to exchange information., They are more realistic and rational., They can be very competitive., They can do project work and don't need constant change., They can understand more abstract and hypothetical ideas, They work well in the right groups, Very self-conscious, Can often prefer to remain silent,
Differences between age groups of young learners
Adult education
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