1) If you could meet a famous person, I think you'd like to meet 2) If you could have any car in the world, I think you’d have 3) If you could go to any country in the world, I think you’d go to 4) If you were given unlimited money to buy one object, I think you’d buy 5) If you could have a special talent, I think you’d like to be able to 6) If you decided to learn something new, I think you'd learn 7) If you could be an animal, I think you’d be 8) If you could have a superpower, I think you’d choose to be able to 9) If you could go to a concert tonight, I think you’d go and see 10) If you had more money, I think you’d buy 11) If you could learn another language, I think you’d learn 12) If you could be any age for a week, I think you’d choose to be 13) If you could have any pet, I think you'd have 14) If you could eat anything you liked this evening, I think you'd eat 15) If you could have any job in the world, I think you’d like to be 16) If you could only watch one film again in your life, I think you’d watch 17) If you could live anywhere in the world, I think you’d live 18) If you won a trip around the world for two, I think you’d take 19) If you could try a new sport, I think you’d try 20) If you could learn to play a musical instrument, I think you’d learn to play
FCE4S U12 warm up
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