What dress-ups have we learned thus far and how are they labeled?, What do we call the time and place of a story?, What is the topic-clincher rule?, What sentence openers have you learned? How do you label them?, Give six prepositions that can begin a #2 sentence., #2 or #5: Before nightfall, the dragon had rescued the princess., #2 or #5: Before night fell, the dragon had rescued the princess., Give an example of a sentence with a #4 sentence opener., What are some techniques for creating attention getters?, Improve this sentence by changing the banned word and adding a because clause: The dragon went into the town., When you must write without a source text (your own thoughts), how can you get ideas for what to say?, How many words may be in a #6 sentence?, What is a fused outline?, What do we call the problem, want, or need of the main character of a story?, What do we call the event that leads to the conflict being solved?, When summarizing a reference, what should each paragraph of a summary report begin with?.
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