True: There is a brawl at the beginning between the Montagues and Capulet servents., Romeo describes Juliet using natural imagery like the 'sun' and 'stars'., Lord Capulet threatens Juliet with: 'hang, beg, starve, die' as an ultimatum., The Nurse openly says Juliet is the 'prettiest babe she ever did see'., The Nurse keeps a secret for Juliet when Juliet marries Romeo., Romeo becomes violent as he takes revenge on Tybalt showing his change in character., Tybalt has a great loyalty towards his family., Tybalt compares peace with hell to confirm his status in bringing violence to Verona., Mercutio states 'A plague on both of your houses' to show his anger., Romeo personifies banishment saying 'exile hath more terror is his look.', False: Romeo and Tybalt fight at the very beginning of the play., Romeo says that Juliet is warm like the sun., Lord Capulet throws Juliet out of the house and lets her starve for her disobedience., The Nurse says Juliet was a 'pretty baby'., The Nurse wants to tell Juliet's parents about the marriage between Romeo and Juliet., Romeo was violent at the beginning of play like Tybalt., Tybalt is not loyal towards his family., Tybalt wants to bring peace to Verona., Mercutio is proud of dying in Romeo's honour., Romeo is pleased to be banished instead of executed.,
Romeo and Juliet overview of key ideas Part 1
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