Complete Sentence: A big circle takes up half of the space., Big lines extend from the circle to the edge of the space., The circle has a smiling face., A big square has a point at the bottom of the paper like a diamond., A small square is inside each corner of the large square., A circle is in the center of the square., The seats for the fans are along the top of the page., Because it might rain, some people brought umbrellas., Even though the grass is green, it has a few dandelions., A baseball flies out to the top left corner., Fragment: A big triangle to cover the top of the page., Because two happy cats are playing in the middle., Polka dots all over the circle., A triangle around the square with the point at the bottom., Brown lines to cover the triangle., A bow on top of the square., Because flowers are growing along the right side., Clowns along the edges of the square., A dog to roll over in the bottom left corner., Although the halftime show is happening.,
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6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
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