What's the most amazing thing about kids?, What's the most important thing we need to teach children?, Who should be primarily responsible for taking care of children? Wife? Husband? Grandparents? Relatives? Day-care center?, Should children be spanked? Why or why not?, Is there a best time to have children? If yes, when do you think that is?, Do you think getting married means giving up freedom?, Do you think people change after getting married?, If you had to marry either a poor man whom you really loved, or a rich man whom you did not love, which would you choose?, What do you think of single mothers?, What do you think are some things that contribute to a successful marriage?, Do you know a happily married couple?, If you were married, would you like to have an open relationship?, What is the ideal age to get married? Is it the same for men and women?, What would you consider "the perfect date" for you?, Where would you like to go on a date?, Does your first love still hold a special place in your heart?, Would you date someone much older or younger than you? Why or why not?.
Questions for discussion. Unit 2
Outcomes Advanced
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