Are you the kind of person who regularly gets rid of old clothes, or do you tend to keep things forever?, Did you use to get into trouble a lot when you were a child?, Do you consider yourself a person who usually gets their own way? Why (not)?, Do you tend to keep up to date with your work or studies, or do you often get behind?, Do you think young drivers get stopped by the police more than older drivers? Do you think this is fair?, Have you ever got caught cheating in an exam? Have you ever cheated in an exam and got away with it?, Do you think going on holiday together is a good way to really get to know people?, How often and where do you usually get your hair cut?, If an electrical appliance doesn't work, do you try to sort it out yourself or do you immediatelly get an expert to come and fix it?, If you were able to get just one room in your house redecorated, which would it be and why?, Do you think women are better than man at getting presents for people?, If you were invited to a karaoke evening, would you try to get out of going?, If you were supposed to get a flight the day after there had been a serious plane crash, would you cancel it?, Is there anyone in your family or group of friends who really gets on your nerves?, What kinds of things do / did your parents get you to do around the house?.
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