Population - The entire group of people, animals or objects of interest. They can be identified as having at least one common characteristic., Sample - A selected subgroup used to find out information about a population, Census - An attempt to collect data on the entire population, Bias - A systematic error in results which will not average out to zero by taking more samples., Sampling error - The difference between the result from the population and the result from the sample. Will usually be present as the sample is not an exact match for the population., Convenience sampling - Choosing a sample from the most easily available members of the population., Simple random sampling - Each possible sample of that size has the same chance of being selected. Every individual is numbered and then a random number generator is used to select the sample., Systematic sampling - Selecting an individual for the sample at regular intervals, Survey - An attempt to collect data from a sample of the population, Stratified sampling - Choosing a sample so that the subgroups in the sample are proportional to the subgroups in the population, Cluster sampling - Where the population is grouped by location, choosing a sample of locations and then surveying every individual in those locations.,

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