What is one thing you're excited to do this summer?, What is one place you'd like to visit this summer?, What is your favorite tradition or thing to do on July 4th?, What do you like to do outside in the summer?, What's one thing you like to eat in the summer?, What's your favorite part of summer?, If you could visit anywhere in the world this summer, where would you go?, Would you rather have school start in August and end in May or have it the way it is?, Do you have a favorite summertime dessert? What?, Have you ever gone camping in the summer? Did you like it?, What is one place your family has visited in the summer?, What is one thing you are looking forward to when we come back to school?, Would you rather go on a summer vacation to the beach or to the mountains?, Do you stay inside or outside more in the summer?, Would you rather be at a pool with a diving board or slide?, Do you like to swim in a pool or at the beach more in the summer?, What one word comes to your mind when you think about summer?, Would you rather have a glass of ice-cold tea or a glass of ice-cold lemonade?, What are you going to miss most about this school year?, What time do you normally go to bed and wake up in the summer?.
Summer Questions
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