1) Why do Muslims Perform Hajj? a) Because It is a obligation upon every Muslim to do atleast once if they are able to b) Because it's tradition c) Because it makes you feel good d) Because your parents told you to go 2) What pillar of Islam is Hajj? a) 4th b) 3rd c) 2nd d) 5th 3) Which Prophet first built the Kaabah? a) Ibraheem (a.s.) & Ismail (a.s.) b) Prophet Adam (a.s.) c) Prophet Muhammad (a.s.) & the Quraish d) Prophet Yunus (a.s.) 4) Who rebuilt the kaabah the 2nd time? a) Prophet Adam (a.s.) b) Ibraheem (a.s.) & Ismail (a.s.) c) Prophet Yunus (a.s.) d) Prophet Muhammad (a.s.) & the Quraish 5) Who built the Kaabah the last time? a) Prophet Muhammad (a.s.) & the Quraish b) Prophet Yunus (a.s.) c) Ibraheem (a.s.) & Ismail (a.s.) d) Prophet Adam (a.s.) 6) What happened when Ibraheem was ordered by Allah to sacrifice his son Ismail (a.s.)? a) He did and he went to Jannah b) He refused and gave his son a Hug c) He was going to do as Allah commanded but Allah replaced his son with a ram instead d) to do as Allah commanded but Allah replaced his son with a cow instead 7) What is Ihraam? a) The clothing that Muslims wear upon entering Hajj b) The shoes Muslims wear upon entering Hajj c) A fancy shampoo d) The form of transportation Muslims take for Hajj 8) What is the definition of Neeyah? a) Your state of mind b) To be in a state of wudu c) Your intention d) A revelation 9) Which of the following is not a type of Hajj? a) Hajj Tamatu- Performing Ummarah then Hajj b) Hajj Ifrad- Performing only Hajj c) Hajj Qiran - Performing Ummarah and Hajj together d) They all are 10) Upon entering the Holy Mosque what is the first step Muslims should do? a) Make Tawaaf around the Kaabah 7 times and recite the Talbiyah b) Make Tawaaf around the Kaabah 2 times and recite the Talbiyah c) Make Tawaaf around the Kaabah 1 times and recite the Talbiyah d) Go sit down and take a nap 11) After Muslims make Tawwaf 7 times how many Rakahs should they perform? a) 2 b) 4 c) 6 d) 20 12) What is the Sa'i? a) The running (fast walking) between the two mountains Safa and Marwa b) A dance that is performed every year c) The place where Muslims camp for the night d) A place where Muslims are told to spend the day making dua and asking for forgiveness 13) On the 8th day of DHul Hijjah , the Muslims go from Mecca to ? (Note: Sa'i can be performed now or waited for later depending on which Hajj you are performing) a) Mina b) Muzdellifah c) Arafah d) Madinah 14) How long do Muslims stay in Mina? a) They arrive at Dhur on the 8th day of Dhul Hijjah and leave at Fajr time the next day b) They arrive at Maghrib on the 8th day of Dhul Hijjah and leave at Fajr time the next day c) They arrive at Isha d) They arrive at Fajr on the 8th day of Dhul Hijjah and leave at Fajr time the next day 15) When do the Muslims move to Arafah? a) By sunrise on the 9th day of Dhul Hijjah b) By Isha on the 9th day of Dhul Hijjah c) They don't d) On the day of Eid 16) What do Muslims do at Arafah? a) Spend time sleeping b) Making friends and exchange numbers c) Spend time making thikr and dua d) Visit the Prophet's (SAW) grave and take selfies 17) When do the Muslims head over from Arafah to Muzdalifah and how long do they stay there? a) When the sunsets & overnight b) When the sunrises & overnight c) When the sunrises & 2 days d) When the sunsets & 2 days 18) When do the Muslims have to reach Mina after leaving Muzdalifah? a) Before the sunrises b) Before the sunsets c) When it reaches Dhur d) When it is Qiyaam 19) After leaving Muzdalifah and entering Mina, what happens there? a) Muslims stone the Jamarat Al Aqabah b) Muslims skip rocks by the lake c) Muslims make dua and ask for forgiveness d) Muslims break their fast 20) What does Jamarat Al Aqabah represent? a) The rocks that were thrown 3 times at shaytan when he had came to interrupt Ibraheem from sacrificing his son for Allah's sake  b) The trees of Jannah c) For all the times shaytaan distracts us from Allah  d) When Shaytaan whispers in our ears to do things displeasing to Allah 21) When do Muslims perform the sacrifice for Allah and shave your heads (Males) or trim hair (females)? a) On the 9th day of Dhul Hijjah b) On the 10th day of Dhul Hijjah c) On the 11th day of Dhul Hijjah d) On the 12th day of Dhul Hijjah 22) Once the shaving and sacrificing is done, where do the Muslims go? a) From Mina back to Makkah and perform Tawaaf b) From Mina Back to Muzdallifah c) From Mina Back to Mina d) From Mina Back to Arafah 23) After returning to Makkah, what 2 things are performed? a) Tawaaf & Sai'i b) 4 Rakahs and Tawaaf c) Sa'i and relaxing at the hotel d) Tawaaf and relaxing at the hotel 24) From Makkah they return to Mina and do what for 2 days? a) Stone the 3 Jamarat b) Stone 1 Jamarat c) Makes fun of he Jamarat d) Play tricks on the Jamarat 25) Before leaving how many times is tawaaf performed for the farewell tawaaf? a) 6 times b) Once c) 3 times d) 7 times

Hajj & It's Steps


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