meet - to come face to face with, sweet - having a taste like that of sugar or honey; not bitter, salty, or sour, read - to examine and understand the meaning of something written, greet - to speak to with friendly or polite words upon meeting or when starting a letter., team - a group formed to work together., seal - a mammal that spends most of its life in the ocean, deep - reaching far down or back; not shallow., real - not imagined; actually existing; true, week - a unit of time equal to seven days., neat - clean, feed - to provide food for or give food to, leaf - one of the usually green, flat parts of a plant or tree that grows from the stem or branch., feel - o sense or be aware of, reach - to extend or stretch as far as, bee - an insect with a hairy body, four wings, and sometimes a stinger, bean - the seed or seed pod of certain plants., see - to look at., tree - a woody plant that has a long trunk and many branches, seat - a chair, bench, or other object for sitting on, green - a color, teach - to show or help someone learn, speak - to speak,
EE and EA Words
1st Grade
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