dramatic - full of action and excitement, threatened - in danger, or likely to stop existing, valuable - worth a lot of money, weird - very strange and unusual, unexpected, or not natural, wasteful - not being careful about the amount of resources used for something, catchy - (especially of a tune or song) pleasing and easy to remember, clumsy - often has accidents because they do not behave in a careful, controlled way, honest - telling the truth, impulse - a sudden strong wish to do something, available - able to be bought or used, flexible - able to change or be changed easily according to the situation, cracked - damaged with one or more thin lines on its surface:, booming - increasing or becoming successful and producing a lot of money very quickly, violent - using force to hurt or attack, obsessed - unable to stop thinking about something; too interested in or worried about something, deprived - not having the things that are necessary for a pleasant life, such as enough money, food, or good living conditions, intended - having something as a plan or purpose:, uncoordinated - with different parts failing to work or move well together, hideous - extremely ugly or bad, sympathetic - someone who shows, especially by what they say, that they understand and care about someone else's suffering, guilty - responsible for breaking a law, tiny - extremely small,
Outcomes upper 1-5
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