Population Data - includes data such as total populations, birth rates etc,, Popuklayion Density - total number of people divided by total geographic area, Population Geography - population geographers investigate patterns from a geographic perspective, Population Growth Rate - population groth expressed as a percentage, Pronatalist Population Policies - Government policy to expand child birth SEE JAPAN, Ravensteins Migration Laws - Describe voluntary migration patterns , Refugees - Individuals who cross national boundries to see safety and asylum, Rust Belt - Area of the upper Midwest USA, Step Migration - Migration in stages, Sun Belt Migration - Movement to Southern USA shifting political power, Thomas Malthus - philosopher- world carring capasity is limited to food availibility, Total Fertility Rate (TFR) - The average number of children will have during childbearing years (15-49), Transhumanance - Pastorial practice of seosonal migration with livestock, Voluntary migration - People choose to move based on push pull factors, Push Factors - characteristics where a person resides that make them want to leave, Pull Factors - chacacteristics that draw people to move,



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