Collaboration and teamwork - I can work well with different people and I always add value to my staff., Creativity and imagination - I usually have good ideas for projects and how to implement them., Critical thinking - I'm a very rational person, therefore I can easily analyze and evaluate information., Problem solving - I have the skill of focusing on solutions, finding and implementing them, no matter how complex the problem is., Flexibility and adaptability - I usually like to say I'm easily bent but not easily broken. Adapting to new situations comes easy for me., Global and cultural awareness - I have worked with people from many different countries and can easily get along with different cultures, opinions and beliefs., Information Communication Technology (ICT) literacy - I'm able to use tools of information and communication technology, no matter how modern or complex the device is., Leadership - I can easily influence people or convince them to follow me., Civic literacy and citizenship - I'm an aware citizen, able to exercise my rights and meet my obligations., Oral and written communication skills - I'm able to communicate with clients, co-workers or managers. I have no difficulties in being understood by people., Social responsibility and ethics - I'm very connected to my values and my sense of community, and believe that if everybody does their part the world will be a better place. , Initiative - I'm usually the one to offer a solution first or even to start something new.,
21st Century Skills - What skill do I have?
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