Make proposals: I have a proposal to put forward : why not …. ?, We would appreciate if you could..., If you can do that, I’m on board., If we… then we can…, What about.... ? Why not, Respond to a proposal: I must say ‘no’, and I’ll give you my reasons., To be frank with you......, We appreciate the situation you're in. However...., Yes, that should be possible. Shall we move on to …, This proposal makes sense/is quite acceptable., Bargain / make a deal: What would be a reasonable arrangement?, In exchange, we would appreciate if you could...., There is an alternative solution which consists in..., What I might be willing to consider is…, While I can’t [tell you that/give you that/agree to that], I can [tell you/give you something] that may help address you concern…, Close the deal: I was sure we could reach a compromise/an agreement., If we agree to …, are you happy with the other points?, We still have to discuss another minor point which is..., It sounds like [product] could really help you [meet specific goal/eliminate specific pain point]. Would you like to get started on the contract now?, I am really happy with the compromise we have reached,
Negotiations (functional language)
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