1) What is the Eatwell Guide? a) The Eatwell Guide is a guide that shows us what our plate should look like at every meal b) The Eatwell Guide is a guide of foods that we should not eat c) The Eatwell Guide is a guide that divides food into groups and shows how eating different foods can make a healthy and balanced diet. 2) Which food group is the largest on the Eatwell Guide? a) Protein; is the largest group on the Eatwell Guide and you should eat at least 5 portions every day. b) Fruit and vegetables; is the largest group on the Eatwell Guide and you should eat at least 5 portions every day. c) Carbohydrates; is the largest group on the Eatwell Guide and you should eat at least 5 portions every day. 3) List 4 starchy carbohydrates. a) Potatoes, Pasta, Bread and Rice b) Banana, Pasta, Fibre and Rice c) Potatoes, Apple, Bread and Chocolate 4) Name 4 plant protein foods a) Sausages, Chicken, Green beans, Pulses b) Soya beans, Beef, Milk, Chickpeas c) Quorn (meat alternative), Chickpeas, Soya beans, Pulses 5) Why is 150ml of fruit juice and smoothies the maximum recommended per day? a) Because they are high in sugar. b) Because they are high in fruit. c) Because they are high in fibre. 6) Which of the following are non-animal sources of protein? a) chicken b) salmon c) chickpeas d) tofu 7) Which of the following are non-dairy alternatives? a) yogurt, cream, milk b) soya milk, almond milk, rice milk c) cheese, yogurt, hazlenut milk 8) Hydration is an important element of the eat well guide. How much water should be consumed per day? a) 4 litres b) 1 litre c) 4 cups d) 2 litres
Retrieval Activity: The Eatwell Guide - Knowledge check questions and answers
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