"I'm reading the book", he explained. - He explained that he was reading the book, "I've read the book", he explained. - He explained that he had read the book, "I'll read the book", he explained. - He explained that he would read the book, "Learning English is easy", they told us - They told us that learning English was easy, "Learning English can be easy", they told us - They told us that learning English can be easy, "Learning English may be easy", they told us - They told us that learning English might be easy, "We are working on the project together", she said - She said they were working on the project together, "We are going to work on the project together", she said - She said they were going to work on the project together, "I drank five cups of coffee yesterday", he told me - He told me that he'd drunk five cups of coffee the day before, "I'm drinking the fifth cup of coffee today", he told me - He told me that he was drinking the fifth cup of coffee that day, "We must work on the project together", she said - She said that they had to work on the project together,
Gateway B1 Unit 9 Grammar
Gateway B1
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