True: The Articles of Confederation was our first form of government in the U.S., The Constitution is our law of the land today., Under the Constitution we have 3 branches of government. , The Legislative branch makes/writes the laws., The Executive branch enforces/carries out the laws. , The Judicial Branch interprets the laws. , The United States was once a colony of Great Britain., There was no president or courts under the Articles of Confederation., There were more cons than pros with the Articles of Confederation., Under the Articles of Confederation the states had all the power., Under the Constitution the federal government is superior to the state governments. , False: The Constitution was our first form of government in the U.S., The United States was always an independent country., The Articles of Confederation was a weak form of government., e Articles of Confederation had 3 branches of government., Under the Constitution we have 1 branch of government. , The U.S. had to fight in the Civil War to gain independence from Great Britain., The Articles of Confederation gave the central government all the power., The Articles required all states to treat outsiders the same., Congress is only made up of one chamber today.,
Articles of Confederation T/F
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