Fantasy: imaginary and unrealistic elements, supernatural powers, castles, knights, kings, magical swords, and references to ancient spells, A magic system, A well-developed setting, world building, cast of complex characters, A central conflict, A power structure/system of government, Adventure, questing, a hero's journey, Chronicles of Narnia, Wrinkle in Time, Harry Potter, Lost Compass, Wizard of Oz, Where the Mountain Meets the Moon, Where the Wild Things Are, Girl Who Drank the Moon, High or Epic Fantasy, Low Fantasy, Magical Realism, Science Fiction: tell the story of the future, different worlds, universes, or dimensions, connected to principles of science, Partly true, partly fictitious, different from those of both the present day and the known past, new discoveries, happenings and scientific developments will have on humanity in the future, speculation for the future, may involve space or aliens, stories are imaginary, they are usually possible according to science—or at least plausible, The Giver, Haddix, Ender's Game, Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of Nihm, Space Case, Maze Runner, Zita the Spacegirl, Hunger Games, dystopian fiction, space opera, parallell worlds,
Elements of Fantasy and Science Fiction
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