I can’t give you any more pocket money, Alice. .... (idiom -you should be careful about how much money you spend because the amount you have is limited) - Money doesn't grow on trees., Maybe if the boss weren't so ......(idiom - very stingy with money) we could actually work with modern software for a change. - tight-fisted, College tuition costs ....(slang. to be very expensive) nowadays. - an arm and leg, Many people are struggling to .....(idiom-find it difficult to pay for the things you need in life) because wages are failing to keep pace with rising prices. - make ends meet, I have so many outstanding parking tickets that I'll be .....(idiom) if I pay them all off at once! (In debt. This phrase is often applied to businesses and refers to the traditional bookkeeping practice of writing outgoing funds in red ink (and incoming funds in black).) - in the red, $300 for that shirt? - That's a complete ....(idiom- is not worth what you pay for it; a theft; a deception;) - rip-off, A: "I don't know what we'll do now that you lost your job." B: "Don't worry, we just need to ...,(idiom - limit one's budget; to live more modestly) for a while. - tighten our belts, I'm sorry, but this house is .....(idiom -more than one can afford) Please show us a cheaper one. - beyond our means, We agreed to pay for the car by/in ......(one of a number of payments that are made regularly until sth has been paid for, pay an ~) - instalments., She's trying to get a $50,000 ......(money that is borrowed, often from a bank,)to start her own business. - loan, The entire amount can be taken as a ..... (a single payment of an amount rather than several payments) - lump sum, Ed’s father didn’t leave him anything in his ....(document that explains what you want to happen to your money and possessions after you die.) - will, Can you give us a .....for the whole job? (to tell a customer the price you will charge them for a service or product) - quote,
Money vocab. advanced English file 5B idioms check
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