What is your favourite Disney movie?, What is your favourite part about summer?, What is your most used emoji?, What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten?, What is a Christmas tradition you and your family participate in?, Have you ever met a famous celebrity?, What is something you are good at?, What was your favorite game ?, Which movie could you watch over and over?, What was the name of your first pet?, What is your favourite memory at school?, What is your favourite musical instrument?, Are you more like your father or like your mother?, What makes you laugh the hardest?, Who is favourite super heroe?, Who do you admire the most?, What is your favourite food?, What fictional world or place would you like to visit?, What was your favourte Halloween costume?, Are you a cat person or a dog person?, Do you prefer going to the beach or to the mountains?, What is the coolest activity your family has ever done together?, What was the best present anyone has ever given to you?, Do you prefer watching movies or series?, What is one thing you want to learn this year?, What song will you choose if you have to sing karaoke?.
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